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Treatment of calcaneal fractures

- 30 % z DMOC
Treatment of calcaneal fractures
-30 %
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Tištěná kniha
Pevná šitá vazba
Titul doprodán
r: 10072
Doporučená maloobchodní cena (DMOC) za kterou je možné knihu běžně zakoupit u obchodních partnerů.

Zvýrazněná cena je naše aktuální prodejní cena.
254  178  -30 %
Ihned ke stažení
i: 28777 n: 24744216r: 10072
Zakoupením knihy získáváte nárok na dárek = knihy zdarma
Prolistovat knihu

Ukázky z E-knihy

A key role in the function of the foot is played by the calcaneus to which the weight of the whole body is transmitted through the talus. With a powerful pull of the Achilles tendon attached to it, the calcaneus acts as a part of the lever arm which sets the foot in motion, in terms of morphology, it is one of the most complex bones of the human body. Anatomical reconstruction of a broken calcaneus is one of the prerequisites for restoration of its important functions.

Operative treatment of calcaneal fractures is both a big challenge and responsibility for all orthopaedic surgeons. One false step in the surgery may have fatal consequences. Sometimes the surgery resembles solving a 3D puzzle where each piece must be accurately positioned, to achieve the correct shape. Understanding the principles of treatment of calcaneal fractures requires long-term efforts, systematic study and ample practical experience.

There is no comprehensive publication in the Slovak literature that would deal with calcaneal fractures. The Czech literature contains two valuable monographs in this field, namely Wondrák: Zlomeniny kosti patní (1964) and Stehlík and Štulík: Zlomeniny patní kosti (2005), which, however, are rather out of date or provide only a one-sided picture of treatment of calcaneal fractures.

The aim of this textbook was to offer surgeons the possibility to find an optimal method of treatment of this injury, as well as to provide medical students with the essential details concerning this issue.

The textbook presents a chronological overview covering anatomy, biomechanics, diagnostics, classifications, followed by clinical chapters on individual operative techniques of treatment of calcaneal fractures. Each chapter reflects author’s personal clinical experience and views i have acquired during his more than twenty-year career. Based on this experience i have developed my own therapeutic concept which is presented in the conclusion.

Black Friday - 30 % končí za:


Formát: PDF
Velikost: 2.80MB
Druh ochrany: Sociální ochrana
Nakladatel: Grada

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- 30 % z DMOC i
DMOC = Doporučená maloobchodní cena
Treatment of calcaneal fractures
-30 %
Sleva končí za
Prolistovat knihu

Ukázky z E-knihy



Formát: PDF
Velikost: 2.80 MB
Druh ochrany: Sociální ochrana
Jazyk: Čeština
Nakladatel: Grada

Treatment of calcaneal fractures

Tištěná kniha
Pevná šitá vazba
Titul doprodán
r: 10072
Doporučená maloobchodní cena (DMOC) za kterou je možné knihu běžně zakoupit u obchodních partnerů.

Zvýrazněná cena je naše aktuální prodejní cena.
254  178  -30 %
Ihned ke stažení
i: 28777 n: 24744216r: 10072
Zakoupením knihy získáváte nárok na dárek = knihy zdarma
A key role in the function of the foot is played by the calcaneus to which the weight of the whole body is transmitted through the talus. With a powerful pull of the Achilles tendon attached to it, the calcaneus acts as a part of the lever arm which sets the foot in motion, in terms of morphology, it is one of the most complex bones of the human body. Anatomical reconstruction of a broken calcaneus is one of the prerequisites for restoration of its important functions.

Operative treatment of calcaneal fractures is both a big challenge and responsibility for all orthopaedic surgeons. One false step in the surgery may have fatal consequences. Sometimes the surgery resembles solving a 3D puzzle where each piece must be accurately positioned, to achieve the correct shape. Understanding the principles of treatment of calcaneal fractures requires long-term efforts, systematic study and ample practical experience.

There is no comprehensive publication in the Slovak literature that would deal with calcaneal fractures. The Czech literature contains two valuable monographs in this field, namely Wondrák: Zlomeniny kosti patní (1964) and Stehlík and Štulík: Zlomeniny patní kosti (2005), which, however, are rather out of date or provide only a one-sided picture of treatment of calcaneal fractures.

The aim of this textbook was to offer surgeons the possibility to find an optimal method of treatment of this injury, as well as to provide medical students with the essential details concerning this issue.

The textbook presents a chronological overview covering anatomy, biomechanics, diagnostics, classifications, followed by clinical chapters on individual operative techniques of treatment of calcaneal fractures. Each chapter reflects author’s personal clinical experience and views i have acquired during his more than twenty-year career. Based on this experience i have developed my own therapeutic concept which is presented in the conclusion.

Black Friday - 30 % končí za:

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Tento souhlas se zpracováním Vašich osobních údajů dáváte společnosti Grada Publishing, a.s. pro účely zasílání obchodních sdělení (marketingových nabídek) a jiných marketingových aktivit vůči Vaší osobě. Tento Váš souhlas můžete kdykoliv odvolat a obchodní sdělení Vám pak nebudou dále zasílána. Podrobnější informace o zpracování Vašich osobních údajů naleznete zde.